MJBulls: Cannabis investing and cannabis fundraising

STB Brands | Bobby Wilcox| Max Unterbach

Episode Summary

What is the correct dose of CBD? CBD products can be confusing because there are so many different dosages. Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach from STB Brands join Dan Humiston to talk about making their line of CBD products less confusing. By designing products with higher levels of CBD they are attracting a lot of attention from athletes and active individuals. Produce by PodCONX https://stbactive.com/ https://podconx.com/guests/bobby-wilcox https://podconx.com/guests/max-unterbach

Episode Notes

What is the correct dose of CBD?

CBD products can be confusing because there are so many different dosages.  Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach from STB Brands join Dan Humiston to talk about making their line of CBD products less confusing.   By designing products with higher levels of CBD they are attracting a lot of attention from athletes and active individuals. 

Produce  by PodCONX




Episode Transcription

STB Brands

Dan Humiston: [00:00:00] Today in raising cannabis capital. We are joined by Bobby Wilcox and max under back from S T B brands, Bobby and max. Welcome to the show. 

Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach: Okay. Thanks for having me.

Dan Humiston: Well, I've heard a lot about your company, so it's nice to finally meet you as TB produces CBD products. So that's probably the best place for us to jump right in with all the CBD brands and products available. Max, what makes your products different? 

Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach: Well, we spent a lot of time before making our products looking at different available options in the industry and notice that a lot of the information was misrepresented. And things were underdosed. So we come from a cannabis background pro can labs is the sister company to STB, and we've been a premier extraction specialist in California since the legalization of recreational cannabis back a couple of years ago.

So with that information, we basically took what we know [00:01:00] and said, alright, here's the milligrams. That's going to work from the most people and eliminate that. Confusing option when you open up an  site and say, okay, , here's 1500 milligrams. Here's 500 milligrams. Here's 3000 milligrams.

What's right for me. And we think it's unrealistic to expect the consumer to come on and say yeah, this is the one, we took the guesswork out of it. And just give you a couple of different form factors that work for a wide variety of people.

Dan Humiston: tell you what it's confusing, especially for the novice. When you go on some of these sites and there are so many different strengths and so many different types. Bobby when it comes to that dosing, what do you recommend for people is, do you say just different amounts and work their way up?

Is that the best way to do it? 

Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach: When it comes to the tinctures? Yes, definitely. For sure. Our topicals, you can pretty much use as needed and as you're feeling the pain just apply it again as needed and you can keep reapplying it throughout the day. As far as the teams go, it's always better to  work your way up.

I would say, half an ML to start. And then one email after [00:02:00] that, 

Dan Humiston: Yeah, I see a lot of this stuff. Find your website seems to be more towards the active lifestyle and athletics. And I know it's almost like it's in your DNA. I saw your medical advisor is a ringside physician for boxing and MMA. are you seeing a lot more athletes selecting CBD products over pharmaceutics? 


Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach: I think that people are looking for a holistic way to get away from prescription medication. And I think CBD might 

be coming out of the woodwork as a good option for those people.

However, I'm not a hundred percent sure. If like a professional athlete, it's still a lot of gray space in whether or not that CBD slash THC products are going to be allowed in their specific arenas. However a lot of people that we're dealing with are amateur level boxers or MMA  fighters.

People collegiate players, people that are not quite so stringently tested, however, could still greatly benefit from the product. The CBD is great [00:03:00] for aches and pains and athletes have that. So that was the primary focus, but we branch out to all different kinds of consumers. An active professional or professional athletes is what we like to say.


Dan Humiston: , I think that's a really good distinction and I'm glad you cleared that up for everybody because most people are the weekend warriors, you do something on the weekend and you're like, oh, I'm going to push it. I'm going to go on a long hike or I'm going to go on.

Long bike ride. And Monday morning, you're like, oh my God, I got hit by a truck. And that's where I think, it seems like it would make more sense  to use some CBD on your sore back versus, taking some ibuprofen. I would think that's probably a more holistic approach. 

Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach: absolutely. Yeah.

Dan Humiston: Can you explain  how turpines help reduce pain? 

Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach: It comes from the arena of aroma therapy. So, as we all know, there's certain sense that provide different feelings. So for example lavender's been known to soothe and calm and relaxed. Along those lines, we add different botanical oils to [00:04:00] add to the effect of the CBD.

I'm not just relying on the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD, but also look at the more widely recognized aspects of aroma therapy, and basically get as much out of each individual plant as possible. We've partnered. Someone who  comes from a very personal place where she has a son who had seizures multiple a day was on 20 plus different medications.

And she turned to CBD as a way to help treat him and through just a mother. Search for answers. She developed these wonderful products, all  based out of botanically drive the oils and everything is all natural. She was afraid of all the different prescription meds that her son was on.

And today she's happy to claim that he's down to one medication and sees seizures. In reference to the different states of the moon. Interestingly enough has fallen away from multiple a [00:05:00] day. It's truly once or twice a month now. And she says it's her formulations. And we bought into it a hundred years.

Dan Humiston: That rolls into my next question about how youavoid the  isolates you in that you, you try to give. More of the entourage effects with your products. Maybe you can explain a little bit more how you go about doing that. 

Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach: We use full spectrum distillate. So it contains all the cannabinoids working in conjunction with one another to make it more effective. Our tinctures we utilize CBN and CBG as well to help with anti-anxiety and help with relaxation and sleep. Yeah, we're full believers in the entourage effect.

I've used CBD products that use isolate and  and they did nothing. , Lots of our customers have said, we've tried this and that, nothing works. And then I find out they're using hemp seed oil, or they're using something that's isolate based and it's, it doesn't have the same effect where our product, I don't know if significant difference.

And I think the entourage effect is the thing culprit for that. 

Dan Humiston: Yeah.

I've heard that a number of times. The other thing, I've I thought it was interesting is just how [00:06:00] much effort you guys put into testing your products. 

Explain some of the steps that you take to ensure that your products are the way you want them. 

Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach: Well, the district has tested when we receive it, then we. Make a batch of whatever product it is. And before I package it, we send it out to get tested and then the final product is tested again. So it's tested three times down the line by a third-party lab. Yeah. And we use a third party lab that we're familiar with through the cannabis space.

And they're also a nationally accredited food lab. So we thought they were  a great space to look at.  We want to show that not only is the milligrams there that you are expecting to buy we also wanna make sure that it's clean and safe for the customer.

And so one thing you'll notice about our products is that, we want to make sure that we're testing pesticides and other impurities as well. In addition to. Only the cannabinoids. So we really want to make sure putting out a nice clean product, truly organic through and through.  Every base ingredient is tested before [00:07:00] formulation and to make sure that final formulation really is something that's only gonna help instead of hinder.

Dan Humiston: Yeah, that's so important. Tell me a little bit about your expansion plans. Like what do you have in the work cycle over the next 12 months? 

Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach: Right now we're really getting the ball rolling.  We want to get people in on the ground level, so to speak where we want to potentially get different wholesale opportunities in place. . Really, we want to get it as many people's hands as possible. One thing we found at this product, by trade, we are operators and manufacturers.

So we've made a really good product. And we know that if we can get it in front of people, they'll buy it.We hear it time. And again that, Hey, this stuff actually works. I've tried other CBD products and they didn't in your guys's stuff. So right now, our biggest plan is get it in the hands of as many people that it'll help as possible.

And then from there, we hope to perpetuate that into potentially the store space, white labeling for other companies, anyone [00:08:00] who can see benefit in this, we want to  keep growing it out. We know how to expand and scale on the manufacturing level. And we think we can take that expertise and grow STB, hopefully to take it national and then go.

Dan Humiston: That's so cool. marketing. That's  an expensive endeavor. Will you be raising any capital to help with that project? 

Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach: Right now we're internally funded and we're happy beating the drum that way. Not to say that if someone saw real value in this and want to help us jump to the next step, certainly wouldn't turn our nose up at it. However, right now we are, self-funded run out of no debt at all at this moment.

We're all cash out of pocket right now. So we're happy with how we're going, but like I said, if somebody's willing to take that next jump with us, we're here for you.

Dan Humiston: Well, we're going to have all your information in the show notes. And so if somebody is interested in learning more about the CBD products or if they want to, you want to maybe try to convince these guys to take on a partner. I'm sure they'll be happy to talk to you, [00:09:00] Bobby max, Thanks for being on the show

Bobby Wilcox and Max Unterbach: Thanks Dan. Appreciate it. Thank you, Dan.