MJBulls: Cannabis investing and cannabis fundraising

Zen Leaf Dispensaries | Anthony Marsico

Episode Summary

The Biotrack Cannabis Dispensary Spotlight Series is shining on Zen Leaf and all their new dispensaries opening across the US and Puerto Rico. Anthony Marsico joins Dan Humiston to talk about their successful expansion strategy and how it has enabled them to open eleven dispensaries with many more on the way. Produced by PodCONX https://podconx.com/guests/anthony-marsico

Episode Notes

The Biotrack Cannabis Dispensary Spotlight Series is shining on Zen Leaf and all their new dispensaries opening across the US and Puerto Rico.  Anthony Marsico joins Dan Humiston to talk about their successful expansion strategy and how it has enabled them to open eleven dispensaries with many more on the way.   

Produced by PodCONX


Episode Transcription

Dan Humiston: [00:00:00] The Cannabis Dispensary Spotlight series is brought to you by Helix Biotech, the largest seed to sale tracking and dispensary point of sale software solution in the industry. Since 2010, cannabis dispensaries, cultivation facilities and manufacturers have trusted biotech to securely and confidently keep them in compliance while managing their businesses with flexible solutions for both THC and Hemp Industries, customizable workflows built in machine learning and data analytics that deliver actual insights to the right people at the right time. It's clear why cannabis companies in 37 states and nine countries depend on biotech for comprehensive Cannabis software and business solutions that cover the requirements of compliant seed to sale tracking and data reporting in every state. There's really only one choice biotech could a biotech dot com today for secure Cannabis software solutions that you can count on.


Anthony Marsico: [00:01:05] We are expanding to Massachusetts and also New Jersey. We're hoping for the spring, but could stretch out to early summer, putting on some compliance and regulatory approvals. Our Massachusetts locations are going to be in Sheron and the other one is going to be important, which is kind of exciting.


Anthony Marsico: [00:01:24] It's the oldest town in the US on its rock. And then the other is Elizabeth, New Jersey. 


Dan Humiston: [00:01:33] From MJ MJBulls Media It's the Raising Cannabis Capital show.


Dan Humiston: [00:01:41] I'm Dan Humiston. And on today's show, we're continuing the Cannabis Dispensary Spotlight series with another Cannabis retail pioneer. Stay tuned for exciting insight into the techniques that this entrepreneur is using to expand and succeed.


Dan Humiston: [00:02:05] Today in Raising Cannabis Capital, we are continuing this month's Cannabis Dispensary Spotlight series with Anthony Marsico from Zen Leaf Dispensaries.


Dan Humiston: [00:02:14] Anthony, welcome to the show.


Anthony Marsico: [00:02:16] Hey, thanks for having me. Excited to be on.


Dan Humiston: [00:02:18] I'm excited to have you on to just by the fact of how many locations and how many states you guys are in. I mean, we have a lot to talk about today. I mean, to make sure we touch on everything. So let's just start at the beginning. Where did you guys start?


Anthony Marsico: [00:02:32] Yeah, the first then Leaf was in Nevada. It's a Las Vegas location circa 2016. And that's where Zen Leaf was kind of created and quickly expanded to other markets, primarily through licensing agreements. I think that was just a testament to the brand that we created and kind of the quality of service that we provide.


Dan Humiston: [00:02:53] So talk about the licensing agreements. How does that work?


Anthony Marsico: [00:02:56] So in most markets we look for strategic partnerships. Local partners who have licenses, who are engaged in operations and we offer assistance through our brands with respect to the way we operate, education, knowledge, customer service, bring all of those aspects to these emerging markets.


Dan Humiston: [00:03:17] So similar to like a franchise, but maybe not at the same level of structure. Is that the way it works?


Anthony Marsico: [00:03:23] Yeah, not exactly a franchise. I think we're we're providing more is just our brand and our brand values to specific markets. And, you know, with with the compliance and the expansion that we're seeing across the country, there's a lot of startups that are looking for experienced individuals with respect to operations. And we reached out to all the time how we can help them with their boots on the ground and kind of the team that they've assembled to really just go after and be successful in the Cannabis market, especially when you're going for a license and they know they have you in their corner walking them through the process, somebody with the kind of experience that the team is.


Dan Humiston: [00:03:59] zen leaf has got to be a huge benefit.


Anthony Marsico: [00:04:02] Yeah, for sure. You know, I think one of the biggest things that we see as an obstacle is compliance. When people see the front side of a dispensary. They don't realize everything that's going in on the back end, respect the supply chain ordering, badging, process hiring. And really, you know, what we pride ourselves on as employees is, you know, education. So the training of these employees and all of the branded materials that we can not only offer staff with respect to training, but the customers that are walking through our doors to really important and really speaks to the roots of who we are.


Dan Humiston: [00:04:36] And I think Dell, that's important, especially when you make the type of investment that you need to make to get into the industry today. You don't want to make an enormous mistake. And the compliance side, I'm sure that gives dispensary owners a nice piece of mind to know that the people that they're working with have some experience and understand that arena. You guys have grown to I think I read in the website eleven locations so far.


Anthony Marsico: [00:05:00] Yeah. So we're in six states. We're in Nevada, Oklahoma, Illinois, Michigan. We have three stores in Maryland. One in Ohio. And then we just recently expanded to Puerto Rico, which was kind of exciting, a little change of pace.


Dan Humiston: [00:05:13] So Puerto, Rico, that's interesting. Is it the same setup in Puerto Rico as it is in some of the other states?


Anthony Marsico: [00:05:19] You know, a very, very similar. Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory. So very similar on the compliance side. And to be honest, they have a very, very well written program. A lot of the things that we already have in place translated very well to that market. And again, there we've got a great local partner of license. So it was a really an easy transition.


Anthony Marsico: [00:05:38] I'm a little bit on the translation side because they do speak Spanish down there. Now, we are a great team to work with down there. And it was exciting.


Dan Humiston: [00:05:45] So cool. Take a short break to let you listen to a quick preview of our next episode.


Tim Dodd: [00:05:52] Our view was that the retail market in California is critical. The retail market in L.A. County is a huge part of that. Got an L.A. County, 40 percent of the population of California in one county. Looking at Cannabis retail in Los Angeles as a focus for us, simple thesis. We thought it was broken. Most of our friends would not be seen dead in a dispensary. The engagement was low. Customer service wasn't really critical user experience overall. sub-par.


Dan Humiston: [00:06:23] Tune in on Sunday to hear the next episode of the Biotech Cannabis Dispensary Spotlight series with Tim Dodd from Sweet Flower. And now let's get back to today's show.


Dan Humiston: [00:06:35] Was big news, of course, is Illinois with it going rec in January 1st?


Anthony Marsico: [00:06:40] Yeah, Illinois has been a total whirlwind. Then a spotlight in the news with respect to Cannabis. Exciting, exciting stuff. And I think kind of perhaps one of the most exciting markets to be in in the whole U.S. right now. So really a spotlight on Illinois, the turnout and the reception from Illinois residents. And I should say also patience has been important. We've seen long lines, seen recreational stores running out of products from day to day. But it's been really nice to work with the cultivators here working on making sure that consumers do have products that they need and also priority to the medical patients, which was the backbone of the Illinois industry, and really making sure that their service first and prioritized in Illinois did a great job of writing that legislation to be sure that the medical patient base is prioritized and then we're working through to adult use.


Anthony Marsico: [00:07:31] Yeah, that's so important because in some states everyone raced to get all their products. The adult you side in the patients for short suit and you can't have that. I'm glad Illinois corrected that mistake that we've seen in some other markets.


Anthony Marsico: [00:07:45] They really did. They really did.


Dan Humiston: [00:07:47] Let's talk about when I walk into one of your stores. What are some of the competitive advantages that you have in your stores that sets you apart from other places?


Anthony Marsico: [00:07:57] I think right off the bat can think about the evolution of the design of our stores and we've really evolved. And I think the industry as a whole has evolved. If you look back to the California and Colorado days, you know, a lot of these dispensaries were tucked away in industrial parks or kind of hidden because there were the unknowns and municipalities didn't know what the reception going to be. And that's all changing now. We want to create a standard of a high end retail experience is possible with a strong focus on education and customer service. So first, with respect to design, then leaves the vision to create a high end retail experience. And I think that we're innovators in the space with respect to that. And we work really hard with our design teams and architecture teams to stay ahead of the curve. And really when someone walks into a zone, they start to say, wow, this isn't what I expected, or if you've been to a dispensary somewhere else like this is something completely different. So an interactive approach and we have online ordering systems as well as kiosk ordering systems that help not only streamline the ordering process, but also give information to the customers on different product lines cannabinoids 13's if you want to learn a little bit more about the products that you're consuming. We can provide that for you.


Dan Humiston: [00:09:08] I think it's really important to know before you go.


Anthony Marsico: [00:09:11] Sure. No doubt about it. And then once you're really in the store, a well-trained staff that is really educated and can really communicate that education over to the consumers. You know, we really, really pride ourselves on education and customer service. And I kind of always been of the belief that if you know what you're talking about and you could do it with a smile, you're gonna win. You know, so you're doing business the right way. And we're treating this just like any other business. We're just selling something a little bit different.


Dan Humiston: [00:09:40] And a lot of times, especially in the new markets, these are people that have no idea what to expect when they walk in. They have this pre-disposed idea of what to expect. So when they walk into your stores, it's not an uncomfortable situation for these people to be in. And I think that reflects a world of difference for sure.


Anthony Marsico: [00:09:58] And, you know, that's something especially in the medical markets. All of our patients have to fill out a new patient intake form. And right on there, we ask them to kind of gage their Cannabis knowledge. And we service everyone from someone who has never tried Cannabis doesn't know anything about it and is just seeking some sort of relief from a qualifying condition all the way up to a Cannabis kind of sore as we like to call them. So we need to make sure that our staff is educated enough to speak to both of those customer bases and everyone in between. So it's really important, exactly like you said, that first and foremost, anyone who walks in our doors is going to feel comfortable.


Dan Humiston: [00:10:37] And I think that's so important. You're not just for your company, but for the entire industry if you do it right. You set a good example for the entire industry. Let's talk about your expansion plans. You were at eleven locations in, I think you said, six states. What's next?


Anthony Marsico: [00:10:53] So we are expanding to Massachusetts and also New Jersey. Our Massachusetts locations are going to be in Sharon and the other one is going to be in Plymouth, which is kind of exciting. It's the oldest town in the US, Plymouth Rock. And then the other is Elizabeth, New Jersey. So super excited about those two markets. Again, two of the hottest markets in the country, Massachusetts just recently went to adult use. So that market is just booming. Being in the Boston area is a lot of history and just a really cool city. And then, Elizabeth, New Jersey, which is a thriving medical market, but a lot of buzz in New Jersey about potentially shifting. Adult use as well. So really excited about those two markets and really excited about bringing our experience and both the medical and adult use markets to those states.


Dan Humiston: [00:11:43] I think you're right. I think Massachusetts is a home run. New Jersey. It's come. It's got to happen. Even talking about it there. Everything's teed up. They just seem to get out of their own way and just do this. So here today, the name of our show is Raising Cannabis Capital. I'm not sure. Are you guys going to raise capital? Are you currently raising capital?


Anthony Marsico: [00:12:02] You know what I think is that we're not really looking to raise capital. This time we're focusing on our brand and just expanding our brand. Now, I could say that there won't be opportunities to invest later on, but I think we're just standing our core business at the current point.


Dan Humiston: [00:12:15] Well, when you do, you'll need to make sure your company can show her dad.


Anthony Marsico: [00:12:19] Well, we'll get right back, Candy. We'll be having a different conversation, that's for sure.


Dan Humiston: [00:12:23] Well, we've been speaking with Anthony Marsico from Zenn Leaf Dispensaries. And you can find all their information in the show notes here also on NMDA blaze.com. Anthony, great talking you today. Super exciting what you guys are doing. Good luck. Dan, thanks so much. And come back anytime. Let me let me know.


Dan Humiston: [00:12:41] It sounds like you're going to get.


Dan Humiston: [00:12:45] Today's show was made possible by the generous support of our sponsors, like all 36, the country's premiere blockchain payment processing platform that's providing dispensaries and its customers with a safe and secure payment option other than cash. To learn more. Go to all 236.com. Today's podcast was produced by MJ PBL's Media. The industry's premier Cannabis podcast network with original music produced in part by Jamie Humiston. I'm Dan Humiston and you've been listening to the Raising Cannabis Capital podcast.